Re: Create standby for oracle 9i database

From: Frank Gordon <>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2022 11:36:19 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Are there any additional clues in the alert.log or trace file directories?

Besides the "better" hardware on the standby server, how else does the standby server differ from the source database? O/S? Patch level?


On Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 10:53 PM Sandra Becker <> wrote:

> OS - Sun Solaris
> Oracle: EE
> We cannot upgrade this database due to the application it supports not
> working with higher versions of oracle. (yeah, I know, really stupid)
> We want to create a standby database on a new server with much better
> hardware. I'm getting an error on the duplicate that I just haven't been
> able to figure out after a couple of days of searching. Everything I've
> read points to duplicate filenames, but I have run all the suggested
> queries and there are no duplicate filenames. We are using the same
> directory structure, so I didn't use db_file_name_convert or
> log_file_name_convert. I verified the "standby" can access the backups of
> the primary database.
> I did manage to restore the controlfiles manually from the snap_cf file
> that I copied from the target server to the auxiliary server to see if that
> was where it was failing. Then when I tried to restore the database it
> throws the same error as running it from a script. The server is too slow
> for me to restore manually, my session would be killed long before it would
> finish.
> I would really appreciate any help you can provide or point me to a useful
> document/website. Thank you,
> Sandy
> *Duplication Error*
> [image: image.png]
> *Duplicate Script*
> sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba" << EOF >> $LOG_FILE
> shutdown immediate
> startup nomount
> rman target sys/pwd_at_primary auxiliary sys/pwd_at_stdby_db << EOF >> $LOG_FILE
> run
> {
> allocate auxiliary channel a1 type disk;
> allocate auxiliary channel a2 type disk;
> allocate auxiliary channel a3 type disk;
> duplicate target database for standby nofilenamecheck dorecover;
> release channel a1;
> release channel a2;
> release channel a3;
> }
> --
> Sandy B.


Received on Tue Dec 20 2022 - 12:36:19 CET

Original text of this message