Re: Moving 2-node RAC to AWS

From: Jeremiah Cetlin Wilton <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 12:35:53 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <>

Hi old friends, a few notes on this:

1/ AWS supports storage volume multi-instance-attach and network multicast natively in EC2. There's no need to do any hacky stuff in order to run software that requires multi-attach or multicast.

2/ Vendor support docs saying this or that is not supported are often marked "educational," because they are not your license contract. Your license contract with a vendor specifies how you may or may not use software that you have purchased. Most of your license agreements don't say anything about which cloud is verboten or anything about vCPUs or anything else from those support notes. Here is a page with the physical processor core counts of all the EC2 instance types:

Here is a special feature for managing CPU count:

3/ Many customers run popular commercial enterprise database clusterware, of all versions, in AWS, in production, with great success.

4/ AWS has a really great managed database service called RDS that does just about everything for you, so you don't have to. It takes care of provisioning, setup, backups, recoveries, upgrades, host replacement, security, HA, DR and many other things you would have to script and set up yourself. All of these functions can be called from a web service API and are more or less bombproof after 10+ years of running millions of times on a large number of production customer systems. There's a nifty performance dashboard for RDS called Performance Insights. RDS runs Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and Aurora (Amazon's own MySQL or PostgreSQL-compatible cloud-native database).

5/ AWS re:Invent happens in two weeks. Many AWS teams announce their new features and services at re:Invent.

If you have any questions about AWS, please let me know. Have a great weekend everyone.


Received on Fri Nov 19 2021 - 18:35:53 CET

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