Re: Moving 2-node RAC to AWS

From: Jared Still <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 08:24:03 -0800
Message-ID: <>

RAC is really quite complex, as you likely already know.

As a fun project, I would consider setting it up with a free tool for multicast. Jeremiah Wilton wrote a paper on doing that.

But running RAC on EC2 in production sounds like something that would generate a lot of unnecessary work and anxiety.

Q: Why do you use RAC?

Is it because the extra nodes are required to meet CPU and/or memory needs?

Or is it for the failover?

If it is for the failover, then perhaps consider sizing the server large enough to run all apps, and use DataGuard for HA. Perhaps 2 of them, one in a different AZ.

Just a thought

On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 10:59 Sandra Becker <> wrote:

> Current OS: RHEL6
> Oracle version: 11g ( and
> We have started a project to move our 50 or so on-prem RAC databases to
> AWS EC2 servers. Some use ASM, others do not. (I think the motto of
> previous DBAs was "consistency is for the weak.".) We cannot upgrade the
> databases (or the OS) due to a host of constraints put on us by the
> applications and stakeholders. Using FlashGrid also is out of the question
> since it would be an additional software cost.
> I'm looking for good documents to read/follow that would tell us how to
> set up ASM on the EC2 instances as well as the best method to move the RAC
> databases. Has anyone done this that can point me to good documentation?
> I also have some non-RAC databases to move. I was thinking of creating the
> standby on the EC2 then doing a switchover during a migration window to
> minimize downtime. Is this approach feasible? Would another approach be
> preferable?
> Thank you for any suggestions,
> --
> Sandy B.
> --
Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist Principal Consultant at Pythian
Oracle ACE Alumni
Pythian Blog Github:

Received on Fri Nov 19 2021 - 17:24:03 CET

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