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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: ?: ?Problem with resize
Adding to what you say, the BYTES column may not be exactly equal to the actual
size on the file system. For example, on my Solaris 2.6 ufs file system, one
datafile is 1073758208 bytes from ls -l output. In the database,
v$datafile.bytes is 1073741824. The difference is 16384, exactly one block
size. I'm not sure how to explain.
Yong Huang
Arvind wrote:
This is not a bug.
Create_bytes referes to the size when initially created the datafile. It never changes even when u resize the datafile. On the other hand bytes refers to the existing size of the datafile. Whenever u resize the datafile only bytes column of v$datafile changes.