Re: Fitch's paradox and OWA
From: Daryl McCullough <>
Date: 30 Dec 2009 16:07:04 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Date: 30 Dec 2009 16:07:04 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Jan Hidders says...
>If we reformulate the meaning of (C) in the model theory we get:
I don't think that that is correct. Rule (C) says that
if p is a *theorem* (that is, p is provable) then it is
>(mC) If (W,w) |- f then (W,w) |- []f.
>Given the semantics of []f this is equivalent with:
>(mC') If (W,w) |- f then (W,w') |- f for all w' in W.
In Kripke semantics, we distinguish between what is true in one world and what is provable. So you should be writing
(W,w) ||- f
to mean f is true in world w (where W is the set of all possible worlds) instead of
(W,w) |- f
I'm not sure what the latter would mean.
-- Daryl McCullough Ithaca, NYReceived on Thu Dec 31 2009 - 01:07:04 CET