Re: foreign key constraint versus referential integrity constraint

From: Mr. Scott <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 19:19:59 -0400
Message-ID: <>

"paul c" <> wrote in message news:Mf0Gm.50609$PH1.4563_at_edtnps82...
> Mr. Scott wrote:

>> "Marshall" <> wrote in message 
>>> On Oct 24, 10:53 am, Keith H Duggar <> wrote:
>>>> Anyhow, the question here is not one of our imagination but rather
>>>> simply this: if it makes sense for the RM to support constraints
>>>> on relational /values/ (taken on by variables) why does it not
>>>> make sense to support constraints on relational /expressions/?
>>>> That is a question of general principle not specific design.
>>> This question, it seems to me, is clear and to the point.
>>> And I would answer it by saying that we shouldn't really
>>> even make the distinction! (At least not formally.)
>> I think we should make the distinction, and formally.
>> (p /\ q) -> r   is not the same as   (p -> r) /\ (q -> r)
>> but  (p \/ q) -> r   is the same as   (p -> r) \/ (q -> r)
>> A view consisting of a natural join, for example, represents a set of 
>> conjunctions.  Each row of the join represents a conjunction of 
>> propositions, one for each operand.  A constraint defined on a join would 
>> be of the form (p /\ q) -> r.  That is definitely not the same as 
>> constraints defined on one or more tables, which would take the form (p 
>> \/ q) -> r.
>> ...

> Forgot to mention that I don't see that a "a constraint defined on a join"
> would necessarily be "of the form (p /\ q) -> r". I had thought that many
> people think it could be any truth-valued expression such as "(p /\ q) =
> r".

The form (p /\ q) -> r applies because whenever r does not hold, neither can (p /\ q). r is in fact your "any truth valued expression." In the case of a join view, the antecedent is a conjunction, not a disjunction.


> This leads me to think that most, if not all, view definitions can be
> interpreted as constraints. It is interesting to me to then ask what
> makes a view different from a base. Is it enough to say that a view
> always has one constraint (of possibly several) that is an equality and a
> view may be 'updated' without reference to the view?

Tables house data; views just present it. That is in a nutshell the difference between tables and views. What is presented by a view implies what is in the operands of the view's definition. As a consequence, in order to be fully updatable and therefore interchangable, each and every set of inserts, updates and deletes applied to a view must map one-to-one to a set of inserts, updates and deletes applied to those operands. Views that are joins or unions or restrictions or projections in general aren't fully updatable. There are exceptions, of course. A view defined on a pair of tables that participate in mutual foreign keys is fully updatable because each and every set of inserts, updates and deletes applied to the view maps one-to-one to a set of inserts, updates and deletes applied to the tables.

> A more opaque way but perhaps less useful way of saying this is that a
> relation's definition in the first place amounts to nothing more than a
> constraint.
Received on Thu Oct 29 2009 - 00:19:59 CET

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