Re: relational reasoning -- why two tables and not one?
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 11:22:16 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
> I would therefore vote for that beeing a misunderstanding of some
> kind.
The only misunderstanding I can see here is the one you are spreading
by attempting to establish a relationship between a logical design
effort (a process called normalization) and a vague implementation
physical performance concept related to a direct image systems's
ilmitation called scaling up (related to the increase in time of
number of physical rows stored on disk and its impact on response
Since you obviously ignore the difference between the two concepts (also called independence between the logical and physical layer of database modeling), I doubt that anything you are posting will add anything of value since your premice is based on utter ignorance of database design...
> brgds
> Philipp Post
Received on Mon Oct 19 2009 - 20:22:16 CEST