Re: Object-oriented thinking in SQL context?
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 07:40:20 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Cimode wrote:
> Snipped
>> Actually whether one likes it or not, even the most cold-hearted and
>> steely-eyed rationalist eventually has to just believe things.
>> The
>> trick is to keep beliefs to a minimum. Some of my beliefs include
>> believing that the rules of first-order predicate logic can never fail,
>> and that those rules are the same everywhere in the universe always. I
>> have a few more, and so do you (and Bob) if you look deep. (None of
>> this is to defend any claim that Bob "believes" some particular thing.)
> In math, the process of formulating basic beliefs, that are reasonable
> to either admit or observe, is called axiom formulations.
I generally agree with this, although I might quibble at your requirement for reasonableness. Asserting axioms is just giving notice of what is not open to discussion. I can be as whimsical as a like about my axioms (although I might find no one is willing to play with me if I take it too far).
-- RoyReceived on Sat Jun 20 2009 - 14:40:20 CEST