Re: Object-oriented thinking in SQL context?
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 22:08:37 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Jun 9, 9:56 am, wrote:
> I have asked the one question that just about everybody
> with a little bit of OO programming experience will ask
> when entering the world of SQL databases:
> How do OO class concepts map to SQL table concepts?
> It's a trivial question that I have found no clear answer
> for, neither in my books or here. ...
> No. The database community (posters here, textbooks) seem
> unable to answer the one, simple general question any
> programmer unfamiliar with SQL will ask.
I'm surprised you haven't found C.J. Date's writings on the subject. You will find him very lucid on the relational model versus objects.
For example, some of the essays in "Date on Database". The other books on this page are also recommended:
> That's a problem with the database community, not the
> question.
> Dr. C.
Received on Tue Jun 16 2009 - 07:08:37 CEST