Re: A different definition of MINUS, Part 3

From: paul c <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 06:44:21 -0800
Message-ID: <ke82l.30762$v37.14397_at_newsfe01.iad>

paul c wrote:
> I believe my previous arguments allow me to take the expressions in the
> first and third lines above and add appropriate projections, eg;
> R' = (A <AND> <NOT> (( (A <AND> B) <OR> <NOT> (A <AND> B) ) <AND> D ))
> {HA}
> <AND>
> (B <AND> <NOT> (( (A <AND> B) <OR> <NOT> (A <AND> B) ) <AND> D ))
> {HA}
> ...

typo': that second projection {HA} should read {HB}. Received on Wed Dec 17 2008 - 15:44:21 CET

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