Re: Date and McGoveran comments on view updating 'problem'

From: paul c <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 12:33:53 -0800
Message-ID: <5az1l.5523$E46.437_at_newsfe21.iad>

Brian Selzer wrote:
> "paul c" <> wrote in message
> news:Wve%k.3357$yK5.661_at_edtnps82...
... Also, you appear to be laboring under the
> delusion that relational algebra somehow includes relational assignment.

I feel no such weight on top of me because I know of no such thing as 'relational assignment', rather there is language assignment. My focus is algebraic as I'll try to explain later, but as far as that I would agree that the D&D A-algebra that I'm familiar with has no such thing as 'language assignment'. I don't think I ever said otherwise. I think Date's Assignment Principle is simply a test for whether a language's dbms respects the algebra it's premised on. Received on Mon Dec 15 2008 - 21:33:53 CET

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