Re: Limits

From: Tegiri Nenashi <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 17:17:14 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Jul 25, 2:58 pm, JOG <> wrote:
> For instance if we have relation:
> R := {w, x, y}
> where the tuples are:
> w := (a:1, b:1)
> x := (a:2, b:2)
> y := (a:3, b:2)
> then "ordering by a" yields a total ordering over R:
> {(w, x), (w,y), (x,y)}
> but "ordering by b" gives the partial ordering:
> {(w, x), (w,y)}

OK. But who the recepient of the ORDER BY output? I assume it is some sort of SQL client. Can it understand partial order? Received on Sat Jul 26 2008 - 02:17:14 CEST

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