Re: How does one model behavior?

From: David Cressey <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:45:05 GMT
Message-ID: <lZnLj.16688$lt2.3639_at_trndny05>

"Phlip" <> wrote in message news:47fd8b97$0$1120$
> David Cressey wrote:
> > How does one model behavior?
> >
> > It would seem to me that, since conveying behavior from one object to
> > another rests on messages, and since messages are made of data, that
> > needs a data model for the messaging system before one begins to come up
> > with a bhavior model for a system of collaborating objects.
> >
> > Or is there another completely different way of setting things up?
> What's the worst thing that could happen if you get this data model
> before you write the code?


It's a good question. I'm going to defer to people who have written a lot of OO code. I hope they will answer.

I've seen what can go wrong, several times, where people have started with the "wrong" data model and have built a database. There are various flavors of "wrong" and various kinds of unfortunate consequences. If I had to summarize, at the expense of over simplifying, I would say that the data in the database will be less useful and more costly than it otherwise would have been.

But it may be that the pitfalls in writing code and the pitfalls in building a database are quite different. So I look forward to reading what programmers have to say about this. Received on Thu Apr 10 2008 - 14:45:05 CEST

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