Re: EAV (Re: Object-relational impedence)

From: topmind <>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 13:36:03 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 26, 10:48 am, Cimode <> wrote:
> On Mar 26, 4:16 pm, topmind <> wrote:> Cimode wrote:
> > > [Snipped]
> > > > There is often a need to add columns without a lot of red-tape.
> > > BS. According to what do you claim that there is a need to add new
> > > columns.You are simply trying to convince yourself this is fundamental
> > > need.
> > That is my honest experience. Adding new columns is a common need. If
> > that differs from your experience, then we can politely disagree.
> What tells your that your experience is common ?

Well, I could reverse the question and ask you the same. How about this, if the reader's experience suggests that requests to add new columns is UNcommon, then ignore this thread. Thus, we can dispense with the debate of frequency.

> > > > You
> > > > may argue that the red-tape "should" be in place to ensure clean
> > > > schemas, but the environment may want a more "organic" approach, even
> > > > if it means more clean-up effort later. It is a management/payer
> > > > decision as to how to allocate those effort trade-offs.
> > > Organic *approach* wanted by the environment??? What the hell are you
> > > talking about ???...You are crazy.
> > When requirements are not settled yet, but the customer needs
> > something soon. One could argue that development shouldn't start until
> > analysis is exhaustive, but this option is not always negotiable.
> > Unfortunately, I am not God and cannot control all resources.
> What has God to do with that ????
> You claim that you are not God but at the same time, you got the nerve
> to declare without the shadow of a doubt what a user needs or does not
> need.

User: "I want the ability to add columns without having to wait for and rent programmers or DBA time. This has been a thorn in the past."

Me: "Well, it's technically possible with the following additional costs and caveats....."

  1. They don't always request it.
  2. I usually don't and can't make the call about what is ACTUALLY done.

Giving technical and/or strategic recommendations is not the same as approving them.

> > > > If the customer wants the ability to add new columns without
> > > > programmer or DBA intervention, we should have technology that can
> > > > deliver that. "It's not good for you" is NOT an acceptable answer.
> > > Nonsense...
> > > Who said it should never be good for you. What a delluded moron.
> > Dude, lay off the coffee. You're spitting. And, your reply is not
> > clear.
> If you cant' make sense out of such basic comments that says how much
> damage has been done on cognitive abilities.

If you are quoting me, then why introduce "never"? Damage to your coggies, perhaps?

> > > [Snipped]

-T- Received on Wed Mar 26 2008 - 21:36:03 CET

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