Re: Object-relational impedence
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 13:05:30 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Mar 18, 9:13 am, S Perryman <> wrote:
> Their system used an RDBMS. And it performed poorly.
> The same systems subsequently built on the same platforms (HW, OS, comms,
> prog langs etc) , but using an OODBMS instead, performed orders of
> magnitude better.
> That's life.
I just want to drop a general comment in here.
Tools designed directly for a specific purpose will outperform general purpose tools.
If you have a narrowly-targeted domain and a domain-specific language
that was designed for that domain, it will outperform a general
purpose programming language in that domain. Take string matching
for example, and regular expressions. Write a matcher for a
pattern and put it in a high-performance matcher, and it'll kick the
off of anything ad hoc you care to write in any general purpose
language, both in brevity and speed.
If you have a specific function you want to execute in hardware, a custom-designed chip will beat your Pentium for that problem, with fewer gates.
If you have a data-management problem that you have a good
of and is stable, and you care to take the time to write a special-
data manager tailored just to that application, with query bias in
of the queries that you already know you're going to be running, etc.,
it will almost certainly be a lot faster than a general purpose DBMS,
regardless of the data model of the DBMS.
Marshall Received on Tue Mar 18 2008 - 21:05:30 CET