Re: Object-relational impedence

From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 09:25:45 -0300
Message-ID: <47de634d$0$4055$>

topmind wrote:

> Bob Badour wrote:

>>topmind wrote:
> I think the attributions are messed here, by the way. I didn't write
> what is being replied to below. Just want to clear up the record.

The attributions are fine. One just has to count the chevrons.

>>>Robert Martin wrote:
>>>>On 2008-03-14 00:17:40 -0500, frebe <> said:
>>>>>On 13 Mar, 18:40, Robert Martin <> wrote:
>>>>>>The real point of that remark was that the user of a tool is at a
>>>>>>higher level of abstraction than the tool itself. �SQL is a tool. �ORMs
>>>>>>are tools that use SQL to get their job done, just like compilers use
>>>>>>assembly to get their job done. �In that sense ORMs live at a higher
>>>>>>level of abstraction than SQL.
>>>>>Lets have an example: There are many "compiler" products translating
>>>>>from a high-level language like ADA to a low-level language like C,
>>>>>instead of translating to machine code directly. What if someone wrote
>>>>>a "compiler" translating C source code to ADA source code, would that
>>>>>make C more high level than ADA? Hardly? The existance of a product
>>>>>translating from language A to language B doesn't say anything about
>>>>>the levels of A and B.
>>>>That's a good point. The fact that you can write a translator from
>>>>A->B does not mean A is higher level than B.
>>Quite the contrary. In every case of a higher level language B, one can
>>write a translator for it in a lower level language A. This is patently
>>obvious, because ultimately everything has to translate to machine code,
>>which is the lowest-level language of all.

Two chevrons brings us to what I wrote previously. Two more brings us to Martin's nonsense. Received on Mon Mar 17 2008 - 13:25:45 CET

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