Re: Object-relational impedence
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 20:58:05 +0000
Message-ID: <frk1lc$gkl$>
Cimode wrote:
> On 16 mar, 16:52, S Perryman <> wrote:
SP>Abstraction of the physical enviroment has been a fundamental concept SP>in CS for aeons.
C>*Abstraction of the physical envirmoment.* What a bunch of crap C>Pfff... C>Talking about *abstraction of the physical* is like talking about the C>humidity of sand grains in the desert. C>The two concepts are totally contradictory for anybody can reason C>abstractly (someone like you) C>As Dijskra states;
>>Perhaps even Dijkstra himself said this.
> He certainly did moron, just goggle and confirm...If your febrile mind
> can type his complicated name...
I can (the joke is obviously beyond you) . Obviously you cannot. Would be a bit embarrassing if you were to (say) critici*s*e someone for spelling mistakes would it not (oops - too late) .
C>*CS is as much about computers then Astronomy is about telescopes*
> He also said that OO is such a poor idea that it could have come only
> from California...He had nothing but disdain for OO babbling...
Yes, it would certainly appear to be the case for babbling from the *USA* .
>>Astronomy without telescopes is merely staring into the night sky.
>>CS without computers is merely pure mathematics.
> What an arrogant bastard. You think you are smart enough to complete
> Dijkra line of thought. You are nothing but a moron.
I merely showed how your attempt to use one line from some Dijkstra writing as a "sound-bite" and "appeal to authority" , has left you looking like a fool.
Really, are you Topmind in disguise ??
Steven Perryman
Received on Sun Mar 16 2008 - 21:58:05 CET