Re: Flash to JOG
From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:52:13 -0300
Message-ID: <47da830f$0$4059$>
> I don't know what the Turbo-Pascal pricing was, but Dataphor was dirt
> cheap, wasn't it? A pay-once server license, a few hundred dollars or
> something? I don't remember; being a non-profit organisation, we didn't
> pay the list price.
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:52:13 -0300
Message-ID: <47da830f$0$4059$>
Jon Heggland wrote:
>>Jon Heggland wrote: >> >>>Um... They started Database Consulting Group. >>>( Hopefully, Dataphor will rise >>>again as an open source project. >> >>I wished years ago they would take the Turbo-Pascal approach to pricing >>or at least the Oracle-borg approach to marketing.
> I don't know what the Turbo-Pascal pricing was, but Dataphor was dirt
> cheap, wasn't it? A pay-once server license, a few hundred dollars or
> something? I don't remember; being a non-profit organisation, we didn't
> pay the list price.
Turbo-Pascal was $99 for a compiler with a complete IDE. Prior to its release, compilers generally cost many times that, and one edited source files with WordStar. Phillipe Kahn for all his flaws completely changed the market, which is what Alphora needed to do to succeed with D4.
I forget what I was quoted for Dataphor. At the time, I couldn't justify the cost, and I was making way more money than the typical young programmer. Without a solid base of users, I knew I could never sell it to clients.
Hiring is difficult enough without an empty labour pool. Received on Fri Mar 14 2008 - 14:52:13 CET