Re: Object-relational impedence
From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:10:01 -0300
Message-ID: <47d6bced$0$4064$>
> That is a huge stretch. SQL is *not* low-level. I will agree there
> are areas for improvement, but that's true with *any* language. What
> ORM's do is more like translating Smalltalk to Python (or visa versa)
> because Python fans don't want to deal with Smalltalk per dogma or
> personal preference.
> The RDBMS already has capabilities to select optimum (or better)
> execution paths. If the ORM improves it even more, then good for it.
> Often, however, that is not the case.
> You attribute magic qualities to ORM's that they don't deserve. ORM's
> are complex tools that require experts to use effectively and still
> are a source for a lot of headaches and performance bottlenecks. I've
> read a *lot* of gripes about ORM's on the web.
> Why not compare master SQL programmers with master OO'ers instead of
> sub-par SQL'ers with master OO'ers?
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:10:01 -0300
Message-ID: <47d6bced$0$4064$>
topmind wrote:
>>On 2008-03-06 02:29:51 -0600, Marshall <> said: >> >> >>>On Mar 5, 10:32 pm, Robert Martin <> wrote: >>> >>>>On 2008-03-05 09:48:45 -0600, Marshall <> said: >>>> >>>>>On Mar 4, 11:05 pm, Robert Martin <> wrote: >>>> >>>>>>>Furthermore, since OOPLs lack physical independence, traversing >>>>>>>the graph may be quite expensive, particularly in the case where >>>>>>>the graph is backed by storage in a database, which is part of >>>>>>>why ORM is such a universally bad idea. >>>> >>>>>>No, you have this wrong. ORMs generally use standard SQL queries to >>>>>>traverse and gather data from the DB. Then that data is placed into OO >>>>>>structures so that the application can take advanage of the bias. >>>> >>>>>Just the fact that they use SQL isn't sufficient. They have to >>>>>use it as well as a person could, though an interface that >>>>>is generally information-lossy enough (or at least, used in >>>>>a lossy way) that that's impossible. >>>> >>>>Yeah, assembly language programmers used to say the same thing about >>>>compilers. Then the compilers started writing more efficient code than >>>>the assembly language programmers could... >>> >>>I give you high marks for rhetoric here. Excellently argued! >>>You take the opposing side and compare them to assembly, >>>and compare yourself with compiled languages. That the >>>situation is most closely analogous to exactly the reverse >>>is only relevant if one is interested in a deep understanding >>>doesn't detract at all from the rhetorical effectiveness. >> >>Wow, it's sure getting deep in here. I can't seem to make out the >>content for all the fuzz and snow. >> >>1. ORMs generate SQL in a manner analagous to compilers generating >>assembly. Why is it analagous? Because the ORMs can infer a >>considerable amount of intent, and can therefore generate highly >>specific SQL. (The fact that many don't is irrelevant). This is just >>like compilers who infer intent from the code and generate highly >>specific and tuned assembler.
> That is a huge stretch. SQL is *not* low-level. I will agree there
> are areas for improvement, but that's true with *any* language. What
> ORM's do is more like translating Smalltalk to Python (or visa versa)
> because Python fans don't want to deal with Smalltalk per dogma or
> personal preference.
>>2. Compilers got so good at this that they generated more efficient >>(not better) assembler code than humans could (or would). The compiler >>had no care for art or readability. So the compiler did things that no >>human would dare. ORMs have the same opportunity.
> The RDBMS already has capabilities to select optimum (or better)
> execution paths. If the ORM improves it even more, then good for it.
> Often, however, that is not the case.
>>So, in fact, it is not a reverse analogy. It is a very appropriate >>analogy. The ORM lives at a higher level of abstraction than the SQL >>because it has access to application intent, that the SQL does not have.
> You attribute magic qualities to ORM's that they don't deserve. ORM's
> are complex tools that require experts to use effectively and still
> are a source for a lot of headaches and performance bottlenecks. I've
> read a *lot* of gripes about ORM's on the web.
>>>As an actual engineering argument, though, this fails. >>>Because it doesn't address the information-loss point I made. >>>No code generator can write optimal code if it's missing information >>>necessary to determine what is optimal. Object-graph traversal >>>in ORMs is *necessarily* more expensive than straightforward SQL. >> >>You are all caught up on object graph traversals as though they were >>the only way to work with ORMs. Indeed, most of us silly and sloppy OO >>programmers understand that you don't want to walk unfetched object >>graphs. So we populate the necessary nodes in a set of efficient >>querries.
> Why not compare master SQL programmers with master OO'ers instead of
> sub-par SQL'ers with master OO'ers?
Better yet, just listen to those of us who are both already. Received on Tue Mar 11 2008 - 18:10:01 CET