Re: Object-relational impedence
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 21:20:22 +0000
Message-ID: <fr1kav$1su$>
> S Perryman <> wrote in news:fr0hft$8gf$
YK>Hold on, you have a value of type Set<T> assigned to a variable of YK>type Set<type{x,y}>.
>>Basic type substitutability (structural equivalence) . >>The { x, y } type has properties in common with T (the x/y properties) >>. Therefore the assignment is legal.
>>So the assignment is a projection is of a type (x,y,z) to a type (x,y)
> I think you are confused at least on two counts.
> In any OO langauage I am familiar wth, you can assign a subtype value
> to a supertype variable.
> However, you did not establish any
> subtype/supertype relationship in your example, therefore, the
> assignment is illegal.
> Even when you establish such relationship, no projection really takes
> place, the information is still there, it's just hidden, as can
> easily be seen by casting back to the original subtype.
Steven Perryman
Received on Sun Mar 09 2008 - 22:20:22 CET