Re: Object-relational impedence
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 11:04:16 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Mar 9, 9:13 am, "Yagotta B. Kidding" <> wrote:
> S Perryman <> wrote innews:fr0hft$8gf$
> > Yagotta B. Kidding wrote:
> >> S Perryman <> wrote innews:fqpj0o$lke$
> > TN>In the other message
> > TN>you dismissed projection as being covered by the concept of
> > TN>subclassing.
> > SP>No. Projection is covered by *type substitutability* .
> > TN>Can you please be more specific? If we remove some [data]
> > TN>attributes, does it mean the resulting "entity" is a subclass.
> >>>No, merely that the resulting entity is now deemed to be of
> >>>another type, substitutable with the original type.
> >>>type T
> >>>{
> >>> x, y, z
> >>>}
> >>>Set<T> ts ;
> >>>Set< type { x, y } > ps = { e IN ts : e.x > 123 } ;
> >>>The elements of ps are effectively projections of the elements in ts.
> >> Hold on, you have a value of type Set<T> assigned to a variable of
> >> type Set<type{x,y}>.
> > Basic type substitutability (structural equivalence) .
> > The { x, y } type has properties in common with T (the x/y properties)
> > . Therefore the assignment is legal.
> > So the assignment is a projection is of a type (x,y,z) to a type (x,y)
> In any OO langauage I am familiar wth, you can assign a subtype value
> to a supertype variable. However, you did not establish any
> subtype/supertype relationship in your example, therefore, the
> assignment is illegal.
> Even when you establish such relationship, no projection really takes
> place, the information is still there, it's just hidden, as can
> easily be seen by casting back to the original subtype.
Marshall Received on Sun Mar 09 2008 - 19:04:16 CET