Re: Functions in the relational context

From: Yagotta B. Kidding <>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 05:37:04 +0100 (CET)
Message-ID: <Xns9A5AF05AE6ED0vdghher_at_194.177.96.26>

Tegiri Nenashi <> wrote in

> On Mar 7, 12:18 pm, "Yagotta B. Kidding" <> wrote:

>> here are some examples of high-order
>> functions:
>> 1. 'map': map f1 list1 -- applying an arbitrary function to an
>> arbitrary list (types have to match naturally)

> map Char.toUpper "Hello World"?
> big deal:

Cool !. You do not need to burden your brain with what's not a big deal !

> Enough toy examples. How more interesting programs do look like? I
> googled matrix multiplication:
> ys.html this looks even more awful than procedural! It is certainly no
> match to SQL:
> select m1.index1,m2.index2, sum(m1.value*m2.value) from m1,m2
> where m1.index2=m2.index1
> group by m1.index1,m2.index2

You appafently forgot what matrix multiplication is ! Your SQL is not that ...

> Perhaps you can suggest some other example where nested loops are
> substituted by elegant combination of fold/map/whatever?

Google is your friend.

Received on Sat Mar 08 2008 - 05:37:04 CET

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