Re: Functions in the relational context
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 13:45:22 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>
On Mar 6, 12:45 pm, "Yagotta B. Kidding" <> wrote:
> I do not see how your exercise, whilst no doubt cute, discredits the
> idea that FP can be fruitfully applied to the data management field.
To explore this in any depth, let's clarify what FP is. The function is considered as a data? I fail to see why this idea is significant. Care to support it with an example?
> Care to provide the missing link/s in your logical chain, like, 'in the
> RA we can do such and so, but in FP we cannot, therefore, FP is really
> no good'.
Well, we are not talking completenes, are we? Certainly, in RA we can't express certain things that even primitive procedural language can do, yet we agree that algebraic approach is a good idea.
> Besides, on its face, the exercise is not really relevant to
> the RA data management. Are you talking about something like constraint
> databases where you operate with formulas rather than data ?
I'm not certain where this observation leads to. Combined with an idea that function composition is nothing more than a relational join, the intuition might be that an extension of the relational model don't necessarily require functional programming ideas. Received on Thu Mar 06 2008 - 22:45:22 CET