Re: Mixing OO and DB

From: Patrick May <>
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 20:44:40 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Marshall <> writes:
> On Mar 1, 9:56 am, Patrick May <> wrote:

>> Marshall <> writes:
>> > Patrick May wrote:
>> >> Marshall <> writes:
>> >> > Agreed. The general ledger schema and the general ledger
>> >> > application cannot be decoupled.
>> >>      Now you're just being a twit.
>> > You've had three or four opportunities to provide a substantive
>> > refutation of the points I've been making, but apparently
>> > assertions are all your capable of.
>>      If you provided substantive arguments instead of nonsensical
>> strawmen, I'd be happy to respond in kind.

> If the teeth of a substantive argument clamped around
> your ankle, you'd chew your leg off before you'd try
> to pry it open.

     I'll just leave the record to stand for itself. I have the common human decency to empathize with the c.d.t. visitors to comp.object. When you have nothing to do but cling to your relational algebra, wondering why all the cool projects don't want to use you, as you keep the candles lit around your shrine to Chris Date, you need the comfort of your delusions of actually having made a valid point in an online discussion.

     Here endith the lesson on how to flame on Usenet.



S P Engineering, Inc. | Large scale, mission-critical, distributed OO
                       | systems design and implementation.
  | (C++, Java, Common Lisp, Jini, middleware, SOA)
Received on Sun Mar 02 2008 - 02:44:40 CET

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