Re: Mixing OO and DB

From: topmind <>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:29:36 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

Robert Martin wrote:
> On 2008-02-09 13:37:47 -0600, topmind <> said:
> > The problem with paradigm-potpourri is that its more expensive to hire
> > people who have sufficient experience in them all. The industry tends
> > to force programmers into managers or unemployment after about 15
> > years, and 15 years is not enough for most programmers to master that
> > many paradigms. And, I don't think the benefits of mixing is strong
> > enough to offset that either.
> Congratulations Bryce! THAT was an intelligent point.
> You and I come to very different conclusions about it though. For my
> money, I think we should encourage programmers to mature in their craft
> and become multi-paradigm specialists. I don't think it's wise to
> throw a bunch of 20somethings into the paradigm mold and try to get
> everything done with the clones that come out.

Okay, but I don't understand how we can encourage them to mature their craft if they will be moving on to different pastures soon? Software development has far less stability than say a medical doctor: it's a burn-and-churn industry, and not getting any slower. And hiring is usually done based on how well one knows a specific tool, not how many paradigms they have mastered. And we are being told to become domain specialists to help resolve and communicate "business needs" rather than be merely "bit-heads".

Something has to give.

> --
> Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob)��| email:

-T- Received on Mon Feb 11 2008 - 19:29:36 CET

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