Re: Mixing OO and DB

From: topmind <>
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 15:08:46 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

David Cressey wrote:
> "mAsterdam" <> wrote in message
> news:47ad7dc5$0$85790$
> > Any ideas except 'the other guys are so stupid'?
> My reaction is biased towards databases. That's where I'm coming from. No
> apologies for that.
> I'd like to suggest that the origins of the database appraoch and the
> origins of the object oriented approach are very different. The database
> approach started from an enterprise wide database and has scaled its way
> down to tiny (conceptually) databases embedded in single applications. The
> object oriented approach started with simulations and scaled its way up to
> the problems that are being worked on now, including enterprise wide
> solutions.
> The fundamental problem to be addressed in database work is shareability.
> If database data is not shareable, it's less valuable. Codd's work on
> applying the relational model of data to the organization of databases for
> large scale sharing of large scale data is fundamentally aimed at promoting
> uniformity and thereby shareability without unduly limiting flexibility at
> the low end. In the trade-off between uniformity and flexibility, the
> relational model pushed the envelope so far out that all of the other
> database contenders from the 1970s have been almost pushed off the map. I'm
> thinking of the graph based DBMS products that dominated the market in circa
> 1978.
> While theoretical advances such as those discussed in c.d.t. are important
> in their own right, the fundamental market presence of the relational model
> in practical work has settled on the SQL model of data. A lot of us mere
> practicioners treat the SQL model and the relational model as variations on
> the same theme. In terms of the internals of data storage, data blocks
> that can contain table rows or index nodes make up the bulk of the data
> whose management is transparent to the users of the DBMS.
> The fundamental problem in simulations, as I see it, is autonomy. If each
> unit in a simulation is not autonomous, the simulation will be constrained
> at the system level to behave in ways that do not mimic the systems being
> simulated. Objects are largely autonomous, and that is their great
> utility. Objects are more autonomous than functions and procedures from the
> great programming languages of the 1970s because objects carry state. That
> is why OOP has displaced structured programming to a large extent.

In name only, actually. Most production code for custom apps is not very OOP. It may use a lot of pre-packaged classes, but the code itself is mostly procedural in OO clothing.

> In order for objects to collaborate they have to exchange signals (data).
> In order to usefully exchange data, there has to be a common convention
> regarding both the form and the content of the messages passed between
> objects. Most of the OO stuff I've seen (which isn't very much)
> concentrate on bilateral contracts between pairs of objects as to what the
> form and content (meaning?) of exchanged messages will be.
> Most of the best database work concentrates on universal contracts (although
> the word "contracted" isn't widely used) governing the entire body of data
> stored in a database, and a vast multitude of transactions that collaborate
> (going forward in time) that adhere to the single contract or some subset of
> it.
> This looks overly [constraining] to the programmer accustomed to object
> oriented thinking.

I think part of the problem is that there are not enough "nimble RDBMS" or table engines around, with such ideas as dynamic columns and dynamic tables. It's like judging OOP by only looking at Java and Eiffel instead of Smalltalk and Python.

> The bilateral contracts that tend to govern data exchange in object worlds
> look chaotic to someone such as myself, schooled in database work.
> This is the best I can do to describe the differences in non-pejorative
> terms.

If there is rhyme and reason to OO designs, OO proponents are obligated to show it. Instead we get different stories and black-box anecdotes.

-T- Received on Sun Feb 10 2008 - 00:08:46 CET

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