Re: 2nd Normal Form Question

From: paul c <>
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 21:00:26 GMT
Message-ID: <Kp3rj.6645$Ly.6410_at_pd7urf1no>

David Portas wrote:
> Here's a counter example. PatientId is the candidate key but the relation is
> not in 2NF. This is an unusual case but I don't think it should be ignored.
> Pregnancies {PatientId, Gender, DueDate}
> FDs:
> {PatientId} -> {DueDate}
> {} -> {Gender}

If you have {} -> {Gender} don't you also have {PatiendId} -> {Gender, DueDate} ? Received on Fri Feb 08 2008 - 22:00:26 CET

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