Re: Principle of Orthogonal Design

From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 13:45:49 -0400
Message-ID: <47ac954e$0$4058$>

Marshall wrote:

> On Feb 7, 3:19 pm, David BL <> wrote:

>>On Feb 8, 4:43 am, Marshall <> wrote:
>>>On Feb 7, 3:46 am, David BL <> wrote:
>>>>On Feb 7, 6:44 pm, JOG <> wrote:
>>>>A minor comment:  when I see '⇔' I assume it means all apparently free
>>>>variables are in fact bound and are implicitly universally
>>>As I understand it, this is conventional for all theorems and axioms,
>>>whether there is an <=> in them or not.
>>Perhaps.  I've seen some people only drop explicit universal
>>quantifiers when they use =>.
>>I had thought the reason for introducing '→' was to avoid this
>>implicit universal quantification that was customary with '=>'.

> Okay. I haven't run in to that before.
>>>Well, at the very least we have to be careful to distinguish
>>>the use of the equals sign between its use as the equality
>>>relation and its use as name-binding.
>>In a way I don't really see a fundamental distinction.  I think the
>>special syntax is needed to deal with variable names that are local to
>>a sub-expression, because with implicit variable names on predicates
>>we can get name clashes.  These would be impossible to deal with if
>>all variables had global scope.

> If we substitute "lexical scope" for "sub-expression" in the above
> then I agree. I recoil from the idea of names that are local
> just to a specific sub-expression.
>>>But yeah, there is a close relationship between variable names
>>>and attribute names.
>>As an example, we could think of
>>    x > y
>>as a relation with attributes named x,y

> Absolutely!
>>If relation P has attributes y,z then the expression
>>    P & (x > y)
>>could be regarded as shorthand for
>>    P(y,z) & (x > y)
>>which can be regarded as join between two relations using common
>>attribute y.

> Yes yes!
>>Suppose we want to project away y so only x,z are left in the result
>>set.  Then we use existential quantification on y:
>>    (Ey) (P(y,z) & (x > y))

> Hmmm. That strikes me as weird--using existential quantification
> as projection. Is that your idea or is that more widely used?

The existential quantifier is not all that surprising. After all, more than 1 such y could exist too, and we do not know how many. Received on Fri Feb 08 2008 - 18:45:49 CET

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