Re: Mixing OO and DB

From: JOG <>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 14:33:38 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 7, 8:35 pm, Victor Porton <> wrote:
> I know both object oriented programming and DB (SQL). But it seems
> that these are incompatible. Or may somebody advice how to meddle them
> together?
> Being strong in both OOP and DB development, I am yet weak in writing
> object oriented programs which use DB.
> Maybe somebody may suggest me some article about mixing together DB
> and OOP?I

If your true intention was not to start some serious flaming (which is inevitable cross-posting to comp.object and comp.database), then I'd have a look at Date and Darwen's Third Manifesto, which describes an Object Relational Model. However, in many waysOOP (however that is defined) and Database Theory are diametrically opposed. This is hardly suprising given that Relational Databases replaced the Network Databases which have so much in common with OO.

In the end OOA is conceptual modeling, and you'll get away with translating that directly to a logical model as long as your data isn't going to be shared by people or applications that use different conceptual models (and you can put up with the clunkiness of navigational querying of course). If you do want to (or more likely have to) meld OO and RM together, then google "object relational mapping" software... but rather you than me ;) Received on Thu Feb 07 2008 - 23:33:38 CET

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