Re: Newbie question about db normalization theory: redundant keys OK?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 23:31:29 -0500
Message-ID: <>

paul c <> writes:
> In those days, most Cics and some IMS programmmers knew the four
> necessary conditions for deadlock and avoided at least one of them in
> their apps. Nowadays that's considered high science. Jim Gray was a
> smart guy and I hope he's still alive but the fact remains that it
> seems that he and other concurrency experts chose to ignore the IP. I
> think Bob B said something quite profound recently, something like
> "you can't manage data without data". A corollary might be that only
> mystics can manage without data. Normalization theory started with
> the IP and caught a following, no coincidence if you ask me. The
> concurrency theorists carried on with the IMS and other physical ways
> of thinking and never seemed to get the idea that there might be a
> logical concurrency model based on the IP (at least as far as I know).

i had worked with jim back in system/r days

when he left for tandem ... he tried to pawn off some of

the stuff on me ... a couple old email references

in this post "The Elements of Programming Style"


in this post: Jim Gray Is Missing

later when we were doing ha/cmp

and i was working on distributed lock manager and cluster scaleup ... we were working with some of the independent RDBMS vendors that also had implementations running on vax/cluster. they wanted a lock manager api that look and felt similar to what they had been using in vax/cluster, but they also had a list of several things that they felt could be done a lot better. starting from a (almost) completely clean slate ... i had a lot less baggage to worry about. Received on Sun Dec 23 2007 - 05:31:29 CET

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