Re: A newbie paradox: is this a PK-FK (relationship) problem, or programming problem?

From: tina <>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 21:38:20 GMT
Message-ID: <gtfbj.69526$>

i had to chuckle at this one, Doug. when i first opened your post, i thought you were responding to my post, and i couldn't figure out what you were talking about! then i scrolled down, and found that you were replying to another post that i had not seen, having blocked that particular user some time ago. ;)
ps. i haven't been in the ngs for quite awhile; nice to "see" you, and i hope you have a safe and happy holiday! :)

"Douglas J. Steele" <> wrote in message news:%23DrWlyNRIHA.3400_at_TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> I don't see you making any suggestions. Surely you don't think that one
> table per brokerage could ever be an appropriate answer!
> --
> Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
> http://I.Am/DougSteele
> (no private e-mails, please)
> "Bob Badour" <> wrote in message
> news:476d71c2$0$5279$
> >
> > You also don't know a damned thing about his requirements. I find it
> > absurd to offer a detailed design on the basis of complete ignorance.
> >
> >>>
> >>>As I type this, I believe the cleanest approach is simply to have many
> >>>tables for different stock accounts for this individual: one table
> >>>per brokerage, say the person might have an IRA stock account, a
> >>>speculative stock account, a conservative stock account, etc, with
> >>>different stock brokerage account numbers, and with the accounts all
> >>>buying on occasion the same stock (same stock symbol), and that's
> >>>fine.
> >>>
> >>>Any thoughts?
> >>>
> >>>RL
> >>
> >>
Received on Sat Dec 22 2007 - 22:38:20 CET

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