Re: Help with Ms-Access
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 16:19:43 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>
On Dec 3, 11:10 am, "David Cressey" <> wrote:
> "Jeffrey Davis" <> wrote in message
> > On Dec 3, 10:01 am, Jeffrey Davis <> wrote:
> > > I'm hoping that someone here can give me some assistance with a
> > > database I'm trying to set up. My skills in Access are fairly basic,
> > > and I'm trying to skill up, but some of the stuff is a little opaque.
> > > I'm trying to put some data I've got on paper into Access. Recently, I
> > > got together with some other people marketing organic produce and
> > > offered to do some marketing for us on a coop basis in the city.
> > > The idea I had was to have four marketing packages for coop members
> > > with different rates and services. For want of something better lets
> > > call them P1, P2, P3 & P4
> > > I'm thinking I'll need a table with the packages, and one listing the
> > > coop members with their details. In theory, a coop member might
> > > acquire another farm (either a new one or one from someone bailing
> > > out) and put it on a separate package.
> > > Which tables would have to have a relationship?
> > > I'm thinking the packages table containing the dat about each package
> > > would have to be related via a common field to the coop member table,
> > > and there would probably have to be a link between that and the farm
> > > table, through common fields -- maybe a unique ID in the coop member
> > > table could appear in the farm table and maybe the primary key from
> > > the package table could also appear in the farm table as a foreign
> > > key. But am I right?
> > > I'd also like to create a form that would list an individual coop
> > > member's details plus any packages they own and assume that all I'd
> > > need to do would be to ensure that there was a specified report for
> > > the form to call. Is that right? Is 'switchboard manager' the way to
> > > go here?
> > > I'd also like to create a macro to automatically open the database.
> > > I've had a bit of a look through Access and maybe I've missed it, but
> > > could someone point me in the right direction?
> > > Thanks in advance ...
> > > JD
> > Further to this, it occurs to me that if I'm going to permit coop
> > members to have more than one package then maybe I need some sort of
> > transactions table in which the records would be packages actually
> > taken out. Each record could contain the ID from the relevant farm
> > (the transactions table being the 'one' and the farm being the many)
> > and an ID from the packages table (eg P1 to P4) where the transactions
> > table could be the many.
> > Am I in a muddle here or on the right track?
> > JD
> I agree with Bob here.
> You'll probably get more help with an Access application in a product
> specific newsgroup.
> The one I recommend is microsoft.public.access
> (Bob, a "switchboard" in Access is a form that is made to look like a
> bushbutton menu.
> The switchboard manager is a tool that allows you to create and revise a
> switchboard without writing any code. No, I'm not an Access expert. I'm
> just coming up to speed on it, now that I'm retired).- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Thanks for the suggestion David. I've just posted there.
JD Received on Mon Dec 03 2007 - 01:19:43 CET