Re: A pk is *both* a physical and a logical object.

From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 09:26:01 -0300
Message-ID: <469e06b3$0$8844$>

Roy Hann wrote:

> "Brian Selzer" <> wrote in message 
> news:oXdni.23174$
> [snip]

>>>You can call what the user issued an update, if you care to, but what
>>>really happened is that an individual, identified by the before value of
>>>the key, was deleted, and a new individual, identified by the after
>>>of the key was inserted. The fact that the old value and the new value
>>>the same storage ("row", if you like) is irrelevant. They are
>>>values, and they designate different individuals.
>>Not so. Consider the following statement:
>> I moved the widgit with lot number 203 at location 22 to location 44.
> What is the so-called "individual" here?  The widget, the lot number or the 
> location?    You've told us the key is the entire header, so it is 
> irreducible, so none of these is inescapably unique in this table.

>>Now assuming that there can only be one widgit from the same lot at a
>>particular location, then the definite description before the update,
>> the widgit with lot number 203 at location 22
>>refers to the same widgit as the definite description after the update,
>> the widgit with lot number 203 at location 44.
>>If there is also a rigid designator, then the situation becomes clear:
>>before the update, these all denote the same individual:
>> the widgit with serial number 123 and with lot number 203 at location 22
>> the widgit with serial number 123
>> the widgit with lot number 203 at location 22
>>which is the same individual as these:
>> the widget with serial number 123 and with lot number 203 at location 44
>> the widget with serial number 123
>> the widget with lot number 203 at location 44
>>after the update.
>>So, if relation widgits {lot_number, location}
>>has a tuple {lot_number=203, location=22}
> How the heck does this tuple represent *anything* about widget 123 (or any 
> other particular widget) if the serial number isn't an attribute?   The only 
> way it can do that is if you first assert your entire relation represents 
> propositions about the widget with serial number 123 exclusively.  That's 
> fair enough and I'd have no problem with it, but you aren't saying that.

>>and an update is issued:
>>UPDATE widgits SET location=44 WHERE lot_number = 203 AND location=22
>>Then the resulting relation has a tuple
>>{lot_number=203, location=44}
>>that refers to the same individual as the tuple
>>{lot_number=203, location=22}
>>before the update.
> I am now satisified that you are talking nonsense.  Erudite-sounding 
> nonsense but still nonsense.

What the heck took you so long? Received on Wed Jul 18 2007 - 14:26:01 CEST

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