Re: Career questions: databases

From: Marshall <>
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2007 14:42:32 -0000
Message-ID: <>

On Jul 1, 11:55 am, DA Morgan <> wrote:
> incompetent < mediocre < average < good < proficient < expert
> Most people, in any field of endeavor are average. That is the meaning
> of the word.

I see. So it is your contention then, that if I had a table of people and their associated ability, rated according to your six point scale above, and I wanted to know which these was the most common, that I would use avg() to find out? Or is it perhaps the case that "average" can mean different things, like, say, "proficient" does?

> Daniel A. Morgan
> University of Washington
> (replace x with u to respond)
> Puget Sound Oracle Users

It is amazing to me that someone who touts his association with a university in every post appears to believe that product training is the overarching technical accomplishment that one might aspire to. Indeed, you don't even seem to acknowledge the existence of any other kind of achievement. Are we to assume that your role at the University of Washington is that you are their DBA? Or should we instead assume that a degree from the University of Washington is designed to maximize one's investment in Oracle products?

Shall you now challenge me to stand at a podium and recite trivia? Can I choose my own area of trivia, because I would prefer movies over Oracle 10g, since I enjoy the former and have no interest in the latter. Certainly if I can tell you who starred in this movie or that, or can recite backstage anecdotes or quotes from interviews, it means I have a tremendous aesthetic sense, right? For what else is there in life but the memorization of large numbers of accidental consequences of man-made artifacts? Doctors, mathematicians, scientists, etc., what good are they? The lawyer is the only one who is truly proficient in understanding the natural world.

Marshall Received on Tue Jul 03 2007 - 16:42:32 CEST

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