Re: Career questions: databases

From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 21:23:35 -0300
Message-ID: <468996f1$0$4337$>

Larry Linson wrote:

> "DA Morgan" <> wrote

>>Enough of this nonsense. It has no place in c.d.o.s and unless you
>>haven't checked recently it is those very same Brits bailing your
>>country's sorry behind out in Iraq right this second. You owe a
>>number of people an apology. Not least of which is the rest of us
>>in the US tarred by association by such John Wayne jingoism.
>>So knock it off or take it off-line and go eat your freedom fries
>>somewhere else.
>>Daniel A. Morgan
>>Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
> I agree, it has no place in, either. And, neither 
> do his nor your political views belong in Please 
> do us the favor of removing from your cross-post 
> list on future replies, both you and Neil. Thanks. 

I suggest leading by example and setting the 'Followup-To' attribute on your next cross-post. Received on Tue Jul 03 2007 - 02:23:35 CEST

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