Re: Career questions: databases

From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 17:54:41 -0300
Message-ID: <468965fa$0$4321$>

'69 Camaro wrote:

>>>>>Keith was gently pointing out that the word "English" is a proper noun. 
>>>>>Proper nouns should always be capitalized, even if your name is e.e. 
>>>>>cummings.  ;-)
>>>>Since english is neither a person nor a place nor an event, and since one 
>>>>can limit it with modifiers like any and some as in "She speaks some 
>>>>english, and he doesn't speak any english", I respectfully disagree.
>>>A proper noun is a noun which names a particular person, place, or thing. 
>>>The English language is a particular language.
>>Interestingly, in "the english language", english is an adjective and not 
>>a noun at all.

> You snipped the relevant part of my previous message: "Derivatives of
> proper nouns are capitalized when used in their primary sense, such as
> English saddle, but not when used for a specialized meaning, such as french
> fries or chinaware." "English language" is a derivative of the noun
> English, which is a proper noun.
> Check your dictionary again. Mine shows the following:
> English _adj._ of, relating to, or characteristic of England, the
> English people, or the English language.
> Note that in no case is English typed in lower case when modifying the noun
> that follows it in this dictionary entry. I'm sure your dictionary shows
> something very similar, if it's not verbatim.
>>English is a proper noun when it names the people of England in contrast 
>>to the Welsh and the Scottish, but I did not use it as the proper name of 
>>the people of England.

> Check your standard English dictionary.

I did, and english is not always capitalized like it is in your standard english dictionary. Received on Mon Jul 02 2007 - 22:54:41 CEST

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