Re: Career questions: databases

From: Lennart <>
Date: Sun, 01 Jul 2007 23:24:19 +0200
Message-ID: <f69623$qa8$>

DA Morgan wrote:
> The incompetent DBA is not doing backups or not verifying that their
> backups can be used to restore and recover. The mediocre DBA is writing
> shell scripts to do backup and tested it once. The average DBA is using
> RMAN but doesn't really know the tool except to repeat, day after day,
> what they did the day before. The proficient DBA, like Sybrand for
> example, has knowledge of the underlying built-in packages and the
> tables storing metadata in the repository. The expert writes RMAN
> scripts, without the aide of websites or books, capable of making
> the tool sing and dance.

Seems a bit harsh that anyone not using oracle is at best mediocre ;-)

/Lennart Received on Sun Jul 01 2007 - 23:24:19 CEST

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