Re: Perhaps an idiotic question
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 01:18:02 GMT
Message-ID: <ejqbh.26683$>
> But it perplexes me even though I admit I have no good reason for asking:
> If I declare a relation (or more properly a relvar) R to have an
> attribute A where A's type is the type of R am I declaring a fallacy or
> something that is logically possible (ignoring whether it has any use)?
> p
You are re-using the same symbols for too many things. I think what you
are saying is you have relvar R with type T. Type T has an attribute A
with type T.
First, to make the declaration, your language has to make some sort of
forward reference to the type. Second, to have this exactly as stated
yields a potentially infinite progression of the type. In practical
terms, one would have to settle for a finite recursion because computers
are finite machines. ie. If one serially ungroups the A attribute, at
some finite step, ungrouping would yield an empty relation with
cardinality zero.
The question is: Would such a thing have any practical use? I would
answer a hesitant and cautious "Yes--in very rare circumstances."