Re: Functions and Relations
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 00:35:59 +0100 (CET)
Message-ID: <Xns987FBDABA7529asdgba_at_194.177.96.26>
"Aloha Kakuikanu" <> wrote in
>> NENASHI, Tegiri wrote:
>> How one presents 'sqrt' as a relation in the database ? Please show.
> This looks like a good opportunity to post a reworked snippet from my
> exchange with Marshall.
> Function u=f(x,y,z) in general is a predicate Pf(x,y,z,u) with some
> additional constraint. Given that a predicate is often an infinite
> relation we have obvious difficulty implementing it. Let's discuss this
> later, but focus on the benefits of representing functions as
> relations. We have
> 1. Function invocation is a join:
> f(x) /\ x=1
> 2. Function composition is a join:
> g(f(x)) <==> g(z,y) /\ f(y,x)
I am not in agreement: the function composition takes two binary relations and gives one binary relation, it does not the arity. g o f = Z <-g- Y <- f- X loses the information about Y. The natural join increases the arity and onserves Y.
> Suppose we have the relation R(x,y) where y=x^2. No function yet, just
> a relation.
If x is the domain it is already a function, why not.
> As it has two columns the simplest joins we can think of are:
> R /\ `y=9`
> R /\ `x=3`
> where `y=9` and `x=3` are constant unary relations.
> In the first case, we probably want to project the resulting relation
> to `x`
> (R /\ `y=9`) \/ 'x'
> in the second case to `y`
> (R /\ `x=3`) \/ 'y'
> Informally, in the first case we want to know the result of sqrt(9), in
> the first case just 3^2
> How the join is evaluated in both cases? Well, let's go into the second
> case, because it's easier. As one relation is infinite, the only
> feasible join method is nested loops. Moreover, we have to start from
> the relation which is finite, that is `x=3`. Now, there are the two
> possibilities:
> 1. Scan the whole R relation and find all the matching tuples. Not
> feasible too!
> 2. Find matching tuples by a some kind of index:
> create index unique_x on R(x);
> (pseudo SQL syntax). This index is not a conventional b-tree of course,
> as all what is needed to do when x is known, and y is not is just to
> calculate y by a simple formula x^2. The corollary here is that the
> function x->x2 is essentially an index.
> The other case is only marginally more complex. Likewise, we quickly
> arrive to the conclusion that the only feasible execution is the
> indexed nested loops with the scan of the `y=9` as the leading
> relation. Then, the required index is the function y->sqrt(y).
> In a word, functions to the predicates are what indexes to the tables
> in traditional RDBMS are. In RDBMS world there are index organized
> tables. In the functions analogy we have "function organized"
> predicates.
> Indexes are not something that is supposed to be exposed to the end
> user, at least in theory. Indexes should be created/destroyed
> automatically by RDBMS engine. In todays imperfect world this is done
> by DBAs.
> This little snippet is just an unconventional perspective to Meyer's
> "design-by-contract" idea. The sqrt() function interface is defined
> by the assertion y=x^2, and the programmer's job is to write the
> sqrt() implementation. We see that functions being implementational
> detail has much in common with indexes being implementation details
> too.
> Here is little more complex example. For x^2+y^2=1, there are 3 access
> methods:
> 1. Given x, and y return {(x,y)} if they satisfy the equation, and {}
> otherwise.
> 2. Given x return {(x,sqrt(1-x^2)),(x,-sqrt(1-x^2))} or empty set.
> 3. Given y return {(sqrt(1-y^2),y),(-sqrt(1-x^2),y)} or empty set.
> Once again the way to represent infinite predicates in future
> relational systems is via access path specification.
It is interesting like a theory but please show with an example when the function-like-relation is more practical. Is it that you want to utilize the function with the relational algebra operators ? Also is it that the image of function exists as an index or it is simply a metaphore ?
Received on Sun Nov 19 2006 - 00:35:59 CET