Re: DB design issue
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 15:18:36 -0000
Message-ID: <>
"LC" <> wrote in message
> Maybe I post to the wrong group?
You probably did. What you are looking for is advice for solving a problem subject to the limitations of DBMS products you can buy today. The group you really want would probably be called comp.databases.practice, if it existed. By posting your problem here you are going to either get trite suggestions from people who can't know enough to be reliable, or you are going to get more or less cryptic explanations of why you are mistaken about where your problem lies. (And as Bob has more or less cryptically said, your simple business problem is obscured by the massive SQL Problem. *That* is the aspect of your problem that will attract the attention of this group.)
If you've already got a DBMS product, there are several comp.database.* product groups where your question might get the kind of answer you were probably hoping for. (But don't assume I'm doing you a favour by suggesting it.)
Roy Received on Sat Nov 18 2006 - 16:18:36 CET