Re: Another motivational example for inverse view
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 16:13:22 +0100 (CET)
Message-ID: <Xns987E6812F9118asdgba_at_194.177.96.26>
"Aloha Kakuikanu" <> wrote in
> But why do you treat functions and realtions separately?
I think that in the relational model, the treatment is separate because of the practical reasons. How one presents 'sqrt' as a relation in the database ? Please show.
>The example
> can be effectively reduced to the following. Let
> X(x,y)
> be (base) relation variable. Let
> A(y,z)
> be relation constant. Assume A(y,z) is an injective mapping y->z. Then,
> the view
> Y = project_xz(X join A)
> is updateable.
It is updatable because of your criterium of invertibility, is it right ?
It is updatable because the join is many to one: the other criterium of updatability. In accord with this criterium a join to any function is updatable. I think Oracle utilizes this criterium.
> I can't work out this example formally yet.
> I can't even work out a simpler example where
> X(x,y)
> is again (base) relation variable, and
> A(y,z)
> be relation constant. A is no longer a one-to-one function, however.
> The new requirement is
> project_y (X(x,y)) is subset of project_y (A(y,z))
> The view
> Y = X join A
> is updateable in this case. Why?
Received on Fri Nov 17 2006 - 16:13:22 CET