Re: anyone who know some good SQL interview questions?

From: paul c <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 02:03:59 GMT
Message-ID: <joQ5h.295352$1T2.248546_at_pd7urf2no>

Neo wrote:

>>>SQL interview questions?
>>How do you do hierarchical query query.

> What would be a typical question related to hierarchal queries?

No matter how good the question, I think the bigger problem is how well the typical interviewer would be able to recognize a good answer.

(Some years ago, I would hire several so-called 'system programmers' a year. I got in the habit of only interviewing people who had been turned down by certain other managers. I would say my long-term success rate was no better than the other hiring types but I spent much less time interviewing than they did!)

p Received on Mon Nov 13 2006 - 03:03:59 CET

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