Re: is pivoted phones view updateable?
Date: 10 Nov 2006 04:17:02 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Aloha Kakuikanu a écrit :
> Tchuzhie Giri wrote:
> > It is not "OK" so long as one does not have your rules of updatability.
> > You put a pile of symbols on the pile of symbols: it does not have
> > sense without the rules. Please provide the rules, simple examples
> > and then one can go to more complex examples.
> Given two relation variables
> Y(n, #) -- aka WorkPhones(name, number)
> and
> Z(n, #) -- aka CellPhones(name, number)
> and two relation constants
> A = {(t='work')}
> and
> B = {(t='cell')}
> is the view
> X = (Y /\ A) \/ (Z /\ B) -- aka ConsolidatedPhones
> updateable? There is no minus operator involved. The only two RA
> operators are join /\ and union \/.
How exactly do you intersect Y and A AND Z and B with no FK? What unary relation is t? Received on Fri Nov 10 2006 - 13:17:02 CET