Re: anyone who know some good SQL interview questions?
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 07:55:39 -0000
Message-ID: <>
"Pickie" <> wrote in message
>I had never heard of "aggregate string concatenation", so I googled for
> it. There were only 4 things and in the first I read the comment
> <<This also appears to "work", but in fact is officially undocumented
> behavior and thus undefined because there can be no guarantee of the
> order of the rows processed.>>
> I was left wondering if knowing something like this was, in fact,
> useful.
If this is the same thing as MySQL's hideous group_concat() aggregate then I think I can provide some more background having recently been challenged to provide a way of doing it in a DBMS that doesn't support such foolishness.
It seems that PHP programmers (at least) are accustomed to use it to concatenate a set of values into a list containing delimiters that can be delivered to their application as a single "row", which they then parse and explode to recover the individual values. These then get put in an array or something.
As far as I can tell they prize it as a performance hack rather than as a logical operation on the data.
Roy Received on Thu Nov 09 2006 - 08:55:39 CET