Re: anyone who know some good SQL interview questions?
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 20:51:19 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Aloha Kakuikanu wrote:
> Christopher Browne wrote:
>> Quoth Bob Badour <>: >>> c++student wrote: >>> >>>> Hi >>>> Do anyone who know or has the links to some good SQL interview >>>> questions? >>>> Thanks >>> If you actually learn the material, it won't matter what questions >>> they ask you. >> If you had some good questions, that could be handy. Some of us have >> involvement with trying to *hire* would-be DBAs...
> Here are 2:
> 1. How do you do hierarchical query query. (Being asked this back in
> 1997 _at_yahoo. Also heard somebody else asked it as well).
best answer so far (I'll attribute to Joe Celko, AFAIK): "there are
more hierarchies in systems than there are in the real world". we're
talking about Relational databases. such a question is like asking a
neurosurgeon how to swap out a camshaft on a '68 Goat.
> 2. Name various aggregate string concatenation methods. Not all of them
> are created equal from performance perspective, of course. The most
> efficient solutions are the one with user-defined aggregation and the
> other one leveraging collect function. Don't hastily dismiss the
> rest, however. If nothing else, the problem of writing a list aggregate
> is still a great job interview question. You can rate someone's SQL
> skills (on the scale 0 to 6) by the number of different approaches that
> she can count.
hardly what one needs to know.
Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 02:51:19 CET