Re: Relation Schemata vs. Relation Variables
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 21:23:34 GMT
Message-ID: <q3oIg.651$wI5.637_at_trndny04>
"Bob Badour" <> wrote in message
> David Cressey wrote:
> > "Brian Selzer" <> wrote in message
> >>What
> >>I'm trying to point out is that how tuples correlate during an update is
> >>something that either the database designer must specify, or that the
> >>must specify, or both.
> >
> > Here's where you're losing me. What does this "correlation" signify?
> He isn't losing me. He is just flat-out plain old wrong. The dbms can
> correlate tuples during an update by physical location. After all, the
> dbms has access to and manages the internal physical representation of
> the data.
> Does
> > it mean that the old tuple and the new tuple
> > both refer to the same item in the universe of discourse (subject
> > Does it mean that the old tuple and the new tuple are both stored in the
> > same row of the same table (implementation)? Or does it means that the
> > one "replaces" the old one in the sense of overwriting the old one in
> > (part of) a variable? Or something else?
> Who cares? He is a self-aggrandizing ignorant who demonstrably talks
> gibberish. Even if he accidently manages to reply with something that
> sounds cogent, how will you know whether he understands what he says the
> same way a normal educated person would understand it?
> >>The database designer specifies it with a
> >>system-generated surrogate.
> >
> > would you explain this a little more clearly?
> Why do you keep inviting him to waste more of everyone's time?
> [yet another idiotic straw man snipped]
> > In the five updates above, you are updating one or both of the
> > keys. Earlier, you said, IIRC, that keys should be immutable. Why
> > this a contradiction?
> If you are going to pretend to engage the self-aggrandizing ignorants,
> please do a better job of calling them on their bullshit. What is the
> point of asking him about the details of a straw man? It's a straw man.
> 'Nuff said.
I'm still not convinced that it is a straw man. I'm by no means convinced that it isn't a straw man, either. That's why I'm probing. Received on Sun Aug 27 2006 - 23:23:34 CEST