Re: Resiliency To New Data Requirements

From: Keith H Duggar <>
Date: 8 Aug 2006 23:53:24 -0700
Message-ID: <>

dawn wrote:
> Keith H Duggar wrote:
> > This is why Dawn writes articles with arrogant titles
> > like "Is Codd Dead?" and makes derisive comments about
> > work that long preceded her intellectual capacity to
> > comprehend it.
> Is there really a need to bring me into this and trash me,
> Keith?

Hello Dawn,

I'm not sure what you are asking precisely. Yes, you filled the need for an appropriate example quite nicely. You were not the only possible example just one of several I chose. In that sense you were not necessary but sufficient. No, I don't think I "trashed" you but rather explained or modeled some of your previous behavior. Hopefully that answers the questions that underly the one asked.

> P.S. I figured I respond so that you didn't look like a
> coward attacking someone who wasn't around to defend
> herself. smiles.

Though I might appreciate the sentiment you should know generally I'm not concerned with the personal judgments others make. Furthermore, you had already announced your continued presence a few weeks ago. Finally, I have some doubts the sentiment is genuine since you used it as an opportunity to defensively justify previous behavior and to rant about topics having nothing to do with my post.

about two months ago dawn wrote:
> The terrorists have won. I'm outta here. You guys know
> where to find me in the future if the group is ever to a
> point where it can tolerate my questions and perspective
> again.

So I take it that either some guys wrote to you and informed you that cdt has grow more tolerant or that was an emotional outburst you didn't really /mean/? Do you have any intention of apologizing for accusing some here of "raping" you?

  • Keith -- Fraud 6
Received on Wed Aug 09 2006 - 08:53:24 CEST

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