Re: Surrogate Keys: an Implementation Issue
Date: 7 Aug 2006 09:21:08 -0700
Message-ID: <>
JOG wrote:
> Dan wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > > It is a valid point.
> > >
> > > Only if you make the fundamental mistake of pretending a non-key is a key.
> >
> > No. There is a fundamental difference between a unique proposition
> > (tuple) as taken simply from the mathematical definition of a relation
> > as a minimum criterion for identity of a proposition, and the
> > definition of a functional dependency that determines a primary key or
> > candidate key. While most make the assumption that the two types of
> > identity are equivalent, the assumption is fundamentally flawed, IMO.
> > Often it might be the case that they are indented to be the same, but
> > it is not guaranteed to be universally so.
> I'm confused by this Dan. Ignoring the fact that a mathematical tuple
> is subtly different to an RM tuple, you are correct in saying a
> proposition's identity is determined by every single one of its
> attributes.
However, a key is defined as an attribute that, once
> specified, will determine all of the other attributes in the
> proposition, and hence is a wholly sufficient identifier by itself.
Generally speaking, yes, that is the intent of declaring a key. I'd change "attribute" to a "set of attributes". And I'd also add "at a single moment in time".
> you distinguishing between the identity of a proposition as a whole and
> a satisfactory alias for that whole identity? If so, I think that's a
> fruitless distinction and cannot currently see a situation where it
> would be of any use.
In my experience, it has come into use a great deal when trying to reconcile different data representations of the same thing from different sources and organizational perspectives, and even more so over time.
Dan Received on Mon Aug 07 2006 - 18:21:08 CEST