Re: VAT rate or VAT amount as a column?
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 06:29:23 +0100
Message-ID: <44d6cfb6$0$638$>
"Frank Hamersley" <> wrote in message
> Emily Jones wrote:
>> Your suggestion destroys normalisation.
> True...but consider...
> (a) the VAT rate changes by way of Govt legislation in the future?
> (b) a case where the wrong amount of VAT is shown on an invoice (a sh!t
> happens event) that has found its way to a customer and can't be
> retracted?
> (c) a backdated invoice is issued after (a) for an event before the change
> in rate has taken effect.
> All of these are temporal issues that are not handled well by the state of
> the art (SQL), although theory (RM) is quite adequate.
> So Ken's offering of a practical solution to materialise the amount (by
> whatever means) should not be dismissed out of hand, unless a theoretical
> interest is your _only_ concern.
> Cheers, Frank.
>> And who said anything about a trigger? That seems to be your idea.
>> Emily
>> "Kenneth Downs" <knode.wants.this_at_see.sigblock> wrote in message
>>> Emily Jones wrote:
>>>> A view isn't the same as a base table though is it? Materialised or
>>>> not.
>>> Right.
>>> My point is that if we allow system controlled derived data, and we
>>> trust
>>> the values we are given because we trust the db server, what does it
>>> matter
>>> if we put the values in a view (materialized or not), or into the base
>>> table? Further, putting them into the base table is just plain simpler
>>> and
>>> more convenient.
>>> The trigger is the mechanism that lets us accomplish a system-controlled
>>> derived value, and to put it where it is easiest to use: directly into
>>> the
>>> base table.
>>>> "Kenneth Downs" <knode.wants.this_at_see.sigblock> wrote in message
>>>>> Emily Jones wrote:
>>>>>> I thought a table with a derived column in it ISN'T normalised.
>>>>>> Functionaly dependent not on the Primary Key, or something. No?
>>>>> Correct. But neither is the data in many views. Both are system
>>>>> controlled
>>>>> (if you go triggers) so whatever theory allows views allows the
>>>>> materialized columns.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Kenneth Downs
>>>>> Secure Data Software, Inc.
>>>>> (Ken)nneth_at_(Sec)ure(Dat)a(.com)
>>> --
>>> Kenneth Downs
>>> Secure Data Software, Inc.
>>> (Ken)nneth_at_(Sec)ure(Dat)a(.com)
Received on Mon Aug 07 2006 - 07:29:23 CEST