Re: why hierarchy?

From: Keith H Duggar <>
Date: 31 Jul 2006 19:25:11 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Bob Badour wrote:
> And how does one write the queries I mentioned?

If you mean

Bob Badour wrote:
> One of course has to record that fact to answer questions
> like: What is the average duration of current friendships?
> What percentage of friendships last more than 15 years?
> Who began a friendship on October 12, 1993 ? etc.

then amusingly

Neo wrote:
> Currently, dbd's select statements do not perform math
> operations, sums, total, etc. For example, find all person
> who were hired after 1/1/06. It can do something similar,
> find all current employees who have signed clients X, Y
> and Z on Date1, Date2, and have senority A, B and C.

Thus it seems your queries are likewise beyond the support of NeoDB.

  • Keith -- Fraud 6
Received on Tue Aug 01 2006 - 04:25:11 CEST

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